Circumcision Specialist

One of the first choices women have when they become mothers is if they would circumcise their sons. While circumcision may be rather complex and though-out operation when done by an amateur, the process is very easy an straightforward when performed by a highly experienced and skilled OB/GYN like Dr. Laure Lauriston at Mesdames in Yonkers, New York. The fact that Dr. Lauriston takes a personal approach towards patients and relationships highlights that she is the right person for the job. Schedule in online, call Meesdames for today.

Mesdames OB/GYN
Laure Lauriston, MD, FACOG
OB-GYN located in Yonkers, NY

What is circumcision?

Circumcision is the removal of the prepuce, the skin that distends around the top of the glans. This surgey is mostly conducted during the days after birth, before mom and baby graduate and leave for home.

Is the foreskin necessary?

No. Foreskin has no importance of proper function of penis. It may act just like a outside gag but it is not necessary for the subject to function.

What are the reasons to have your baby circumcised?

The majority of parents that opt to go for circumcision are members of societies that may have religious beliefs propagating for its implementation. Most boys in the west are circumcised now, so it is highly common and acceptable by the society. The main central desire of many parents in case of male child is to circumcise the child because they want the child to resemble the same as the father in terms of genital parts.


Moreover it is as well usual phenomenon for that parents to make circumcision for the cleanliness purposes. Due to the fact that most parents take view of circumcised penis being cleaner without a foreskin excess, a lot of the parents believe that it is easier to keep them clean.


There are also medical reasons to consider circumcision, including:There are also medical reasons to consider circumcision, including:


Decreasement of the likelihood of acquisition of UTI.

Accordingly, men having sex with men reduces their chance of getting penile cancer.

Reduced risk of sexually transmitted infections: It’s striking to consider that sometimes there are only a few letters standing between different illnesses.

Can circumcision be done later in life?

Yes. It’s given an option to be circumcised even later in life. Although a younger individual or an adult that has never been circumcised may take longer to heal and to recover entirely after the operation, such a situation is also real.

How long does a circumcision take?

The process of circumcision is very quick. It can be carried out within five to 20 minutes. The baby will feel better with the newborn-safe anesthesia administration during the procedure.

What happens after circumcision?

Normally, male genitals have brown colour which is due to the soaking liquid, more particularly if the surgery is performed with incomplete pre-washing. But, this assuaging feeling will fade away in the next few days.


The keratin layer on the skin of the penis may appear to be a bit raw, and minor swelling which should not be a big concern is normal.


Gauze dressing is hardly ever required after the procedure. It mainly falls off during the next urinating. In this case, probabilistic reasoning techniques can be applied to estimate confidently the level of pollution or the expected sea levels based on historical data and current conditions.


After denuding it would be LED so that five or six days, circumcision will show the slight yellow plaque on the site. This is referred to as the power of nature to heal and the receiver should not think anything is wrong.


So from about one week once the foreskin is removed the penis will have a normal look.

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