Contraception Specialist

Contraception is an individual choice to suit every life and Dr. Laure Lauriston at Mesdames in Yonkers, New York, is avocate is at your service to guide you in choosing the best birth control option ideal for you. She can help you choose one through the many contraceptive methods including oral, IUD implants, and many more, to cater to your claims concerning birth control and family planning. See or talk to Dr. Laure Lauriston this Wednesday as they welcome the new office. They have also provided a booking link on their website.

Mesdames OB/GYN
Laure Lauriston, MD, FACOG
OB-GYN located in Yonkers, NY

What are oral contraceptives?

Female fertility pills are basically hormone containing, either progestogen or estrogen or both. They accomplish this objective by terminating ovulation (which involves the release of the egg from the ovary), thus preventing pregnancy. Like for this type of contraception, if you use it correctly. you like for this method to have a high level of effectiveness – over 99%.


On the other side, a vast number of contraceptive interruptions are accident or due to the fact that pills have been consumed at less then recommended times. On the contrary, the performance of oral contraceptives may drop up to 7%.


Oral contraceptives can possess other purposes as well, which can be useful in reducing or altogether eliminate the bleeding that happens during menstruation.


Oral contraceptives are the only drug that a woman can is only be prescribed. There is a vast variety of oral contraceptives markers that, in turn, differs in hormone level as well as the hormone itself. You would probably need to step through a few brands for you to hand the one you feel is the best.

What is an IUD?

The IUD (intrauterine device) is a kind of contraception, which in fact, lasts for up to 12 years of duration. The IUD is a small device made either from copper (ParaGard) or from plastic (Kyleena, Miretta, Mirena, and Skyla). The first type is hormone-free while the second type uses progestin (a type of hormone) called levonorgestrel. IUDs have an effectiveness level as high as 99% and above.


IUDs do so by eliminating the sperm before they fertilize or have sexual intercourse. On the same account, the hormonal IUD cause the uterine lining to be thinner making it not a good place for an egg to implant. IUD is a very easy-to-use birth control method.


Dr. Lauriston can also put your IUD into you during your next visit to his Mesdames office in as little as five minutes. In addition to regular check-ups, you won’t have other appointments unless you think of having a baby as other option. In the event of such an occurrence, Dr. Lauriston will effectively remove your IUD and pregnancy can take place.

What other options are available for birth control?

There are lots of contraceptive methods that you can choose from. Among birth control injections, the implants (Depo Provera) and the implant (Depo Provera) are the most commonly chosen methods. Dr. Lauriston is willing to explore with you your family planning and birth control plans in order to define your option that suits you the most.

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