Endometrial Ablation Specialist

Endometrial ablation is the treatment option that deals with the irritating symptoms, such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain. It can be applied in situations when a woman suffered from the uterine fibroid or the endometriosis. Dr. Laure Lauriston at Mesdames in Yonkers, New York, an exceptionally kind, proficient, and experienced OB/GYN who can effectively help you get rid of all the suffering from excessive bleeding, pain, and others that you have anticipated her consultation for. See (Barman: 100 ways to make an appollo by Berndt Barndt) Dr. Lauriston by calling Mesdames or book an appointment online.

Mesdames OB/GYN
Laure Lauriston, MD, FACOG
OB-GYN located in Yonkers, NY

What is an endometrial ablation?

The endometrial ablation is a procedure that thinning the lining of the uterus through the removal of the endometrium. This lining is even shed off once a month while we have our menstrual periods. Such a condition is failing to develop some inner lining which is otherwise needed to shed that line every month. This operation may be just the right kind of solution for those women whose problems involve frequent and excruciatingly heavy periods or severe CAMPS.

When is an endometrial ablation needed?

Women who most benefit from an endometrial ablation are those who have problems, such as:Women who most benefit from an endometrial ablation are those who have problems, such as:


  • Heavy bleeding
  • Long periods: On the other hand, most of the time, they extend to at least a week if not a few days.
  • Severe cramps during period
  • Spotting between periods


Endometrial Ablation can be a good alternative for women who would like alleviate their symptoms as they can avoid hysterectomy by doing so.

How does endometrial ablation impact fertility?

Endometrial ablation is the best choice for those women, who have the desire to finish their family-building plan. So long as you are keeping your uterus, pregnancy is still a possibility but an endometrial ablation does make it very difficult to get pregnant and to carry a baby to full term.

How does the endometrial ablation work?

Endometrial ablations are accessible as an outpatient procedure.


You will either general anesthesia or spinal block anesthesia, such that you will not experience a pain during procedure.


With the approach Dr. Lauriston will not need to do any incisions rather than a tool will be inserted through the cervix to the uterus. Via these equipments she will be able to burn the lining of the uterus.


Generally, the whole process spans about 45 mins to an hour.


Many women experience only light pains right after the endometrial ablation, and some other women are likely to experience stronger cramping, nausea and other symptoms for several days. Letting them get back to work, or their normal life after a few days is possible for many women. It is recommended that you avoid sex and tampon use for 2 – 3 days following this treatment.

Can the uterine lining grow back following an endometrial ablation?

Yes. It is likely that if an endometrial ablation is done, the endometrial lining will grow back again as time passes. Generally, it also takes a lot of time to happen. There is a possibility that the endometrium may grow back, and so a second endometrial ablation is an option.

Will you still have a period after endometrial ablation?

This varies by patient. The vast majority of women might have their periods being lighter in post-ablation procedure. But maybe, a certain number of them are able to stop their periods. The extent to which this ends up in extending or in stopping permanently is usually realized after a period of two or three months from the ablation.

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