Fibroid Treatment Specialist

We find Uterine fibroids in almost all women, today. It is worth mentioning that fibroids aren’t malignant, yet they may sometimes lead to very serious complications. If you have intermenstrual bleeding, or if you experience pelvic pain, the cause may be uterine fibroids requiring treatment. Dr. Laure Lauriston, the leading physician at Mesdames in Yonkers, NY provides a fibroid care that can drastically reduce your symptoms in a short period of time. Take a call Mesdames or make an appointment through the website.

Mesdames OB/GYN
Laure Lauriston, MD, FACOG
OB-GYN located in Yonkers, NY

What are fibroids?

Uterine fibroids, associated with fibrous tissue in the uterine tissue are a kind of non-cancerous growths. Size difference ranged from as small as sand grains to the size of a baseball. Not every woman has just one fibroid growth but the presence of multiple fibroids is more common than single explosion of fibroids. Although women are most likely to get fibrts at one point or another, fibroids rarely cause symptoms. They cause you to feel sick if you experience symptoms. So, a cure should be sought.

Who develops fibroids?

Fibroids usually grow during a woman’s 30’s, but can occur at any age before menopausal stage. Women from African Americans are three times more likely to have fibroids than those of the Hispanic ethnicity.

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?

The symptoms of uterine fibroids can include:The symptoms of uterine fibroids can include:


Heavier menstrual periods

Longer menstrual periods: Lasting for at least a week or so depending on the specific immersion program.

More frequent menstrual periods

Severe menstrual cramps

Spotting between menstrual periods

Pain during intercourse

Lower back pain

Abdominal pain

The words that describe anemia by blood loss.


The fact is that there are some women who have such symptoms simultaneously. However, among the above symptoms are the typical of the ones that a young woman may have when she has fibroids; there can be other diseases to be taken into consideration. Dr. Lauriston will make a thorough workup and diagnosis if presence of illustrations is expected.

How are fibroids diagnosed?

Fibroid is often a detection during a routine pelvic assessment. In order to figure out exactly where the fibroids and their dimensions are located, further diagnostic tests may be what is required, such as ultrasound, hysteroscopy or laparoscopy.

What is the treatment for fibroids?

Fibroids can be treated accordingly to patients because of varying symptoms. However, if you have nothing strange going on with your health, Dr. Lauriston may only watch them during your future checkups and make sure that things are still the same okay. If you’re having symptoms, such as pelvic pain, there are several effective treatment options, including:If you’re having symptoms, such as pelvic pain, there are several effective treatment options, including:


Medication therapy

Drugs, specifically the ones that help to control excessive bleeding and severe pain, can be effectively used for the treatment of heavy menstrual periods. Oral contraceptives may be quite successful in this manner in many circumstances. Use our algorithm to generate good content for your website, blog or business. 1. Privacy concerns have risen as individuals worry about websites, media platforms, and other digital services tracking and sharing their personal information without sufficient transparency or security measures in place. Privacy rights, therefore, revolve around the right of individuals to control how their personal data Besides, among the GnRH agonists, others are the ones that will shrink the uterine fibroids by arresting the menstrual cycles. As a rule, GnRH agonists are prescribed for short-terms periods (up to several months), due to adverse effects.


Endometrial ablation

An endometrial ablative procedure is one where the uterine lining is destroyed so as to take care of fibroids and ensure that they don’t come back and grow. It’s the power tool of a smaller fibroid management.



Myomectomy (also known as myoma removal) is a surgical technique in which fibroids are removed from the uterus, and the uterus is left intact.



The surgery which takes out the uterus completely or partially is called hysterectomy. It is suggested when the patient is under extreme pain.

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