Ultrasound Specialist

The ability of ultrasound is very high and this is one of the most distinguished medical tools. Metering the progress of pregnancy, tissue locations as well as depth of implantations are just a few of its objectives. Dr. Laure Lauriston, the foremost doctor in the Mesdames Medical clinic located in Yonkers, New York, has on site ultrasounds for her patients. This saves her time as it can process results quickly with an active response to your queries. Like minded, make your appointment by contacting Monsieur Lauriston of Dr. Mesdames or use their easy online tool to be seen on time by Dr. Lauriston.

What should you do to prepare for a pelvic or abdominal ultrasound?

On the part of the abdomen, pelvic, and abdominal ultrasound, women will need to fill the bladder completely. You’ll need to take in a minimum of eight to 16 ounces (the size is up to you) of water—more is even better — around an hour before your scheduled ultrasound. Do not hold back the urge to urinate until the appointment ends. A complete fullness in the bladder permits the doctor to establish much better instructions and the view of the uterus etc. other pelvic organs.

When is the first ultrasound done during pregnancy?

Normally, the initial pregnancy ultrasound is performed in 18-20 weeks gestation period frame. There are times whereby a convenient ultrasound review at about 12 weeks is carried out to confirm the ref weigh. Patients in the high-risk group may be needed to do more frequent ultrasound scans throughout the gestation period because of the high-risk nature of the condition.

What type of information is learned in a prenatal ultrasound?

A prenatal ultrasound, which is a visualization of the developing embryo, is always an exciting time for any mom to be. This ultrasound can reveal information including:This ultrasound can reveal information including:


Your due date

Whether you’re expecting multiples, including twins, triplets, or more, you surely need tons of preparation.

Your baby’s heart rate

If the position of your baby during delivery is not correctly aligned then it may prevent the baby from rotating into the pelvic outlet, which might cause complications.

Specifically, the range of birth defects – from any given genetic predisposition to others or due to environmental factors.

Whether very large or abnormally small, your baby’s weight and size can be deceiving.

What are the types of movements your baby engages in?

How much amniotic fluid mass occupies the chorion from the placenta.

In addition to walking continuously, it is difficult for me to keep my balance and move freely because of a large growth on my lower belly called the placenta.

What type of information can be found in a pelvic ultrasound?

Pelvic ultrasound may be a valuable diagnostic means. If Dr. Lauriston gets any doubts about your reproductive system, then pelvic ultrasound can precipitate the diagnosis. undefined


The heavy blood flow may be the reason for menstrual periods.

Very long menstrual periods

Pain during intercourse

Severe pelvic pain

Spotting between menstrual periods


How does a pelvic ultrasound work?

In order to provide a pelvic ultrasound, it’s necessary to do almost the same thing as during a pelvic exam. You won’t even change the position of your body – you will stay on the examination table as if you were lying during the pelvic exam.


A #diagonally inserting vaginal ultrasound probe is, a fine and narrow one so will not harm vagina while entering it. A sterile plastic film will visually wrap around the transducer and some ultrasound gel will be placed on its head. The operation will begin with the placement of the probe on the patient’s skin.


The process is really easy, you just lie on the table while the probe makes a 3-D model of the organs in the pelvis.


The uterine finding is quite a short (few minutes) procedure.

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